1) Forms You should have received your forms packet by now.  All forms in this packet are necessary and required for marching band beginning 7/17.  If you have not received a forms packet, please contact Kim Bernstein @ immediately.  If you have turned in your paperwork, but receive an email stating that something is missing, please reply right away, as this may hold up your child from participating. We have received many incomplete forms and will be notifying you by email if something is missing.

2) Physicals ARE Required for Marching Band! Sports Physicals are required BEFORE band camp.  The form is included in the forms packet.   Rebecca Martin will be on-site again to provide Physicals for those in need for $20 on 7/18 from 6-8 pm. This is the last time that you can get a physical before the start of Marching Band.

3) School Insurance can now be purchased.  You will need to print the ID card that will be emailed to you and turn this in with all other forms prior to band camp (the e-mail can be forwarded to to be included with your forms if already turned in). To purchase insurance go to

4) Band Camp Meal Please complete with your student’s meal choices (for band camp on July 17th) and attach check or cash and drop in blue box before July 14th.  If you need a form please contact a band officer or section leader.  (see attached)

5) Please turn in all forms by July 14 to a Board Member or the Blue Box.