EZ-Fingerprinting is scheduled to be at Seminole High School on Tuesday, September 15th at 6 pm to do fingerprinting for level 2 volunteer clearance. If you are thinking about being a chaperone, this is a good time to get this done. You must be a registered, active volunteer in the PCSB system prior to getting fingerprinted. The cost is $45 and you must bring a photo ID and know your social security number for the background check.
VERY IMPORTANT: If you are planning to come for this service, you must email Jackie Brochman and let her know, we must have a count for the team that is coming to do this service for us. If we don’t have enough parents sign up for this service, it will be cancelled. If you have questions or plan to come, contact Jackie Brochman at Jacquelyn.brochman@duke-energy.com