Away Football Game at Clearwater HS Friday, October 18th
2:00pm School ends; All sections responsible for bringing their section equipment to truck for loading. Quartermasters and Percussion: begin loading.
4:15pm Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.
5:15pm Trucks depart with prop dads
5:45pm Uniform Inspection
6:00pm Load Buses
6:15pm Depart SHS
7:00pm Arrive at Clearwater HS, unload equipment
7:30pm Enter stadium/Kick off; football game begins
8:00pm Approximate: Sections to Warm-up
8:45pm Approximate: Half time – CHS Homecoming
9:15pm Approximate: 3rd quarter privileges – Band to Concessions – NEED $$
10:15pm Approximate: end of game, SHS and CHS Performances
10:45pm Load Truck
12:00am Approximate: Depart Clearwater High School
12:30am Approximate: arrive SHS, unload equipment.
Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash. Uniform room not unlocked until Semi-Trailer is unloaded.
1:00am Students Dismissed