An email from Kelly DiRoma went out March 16th. Hopefully you all saw this email and how important it is for us to fill positions on the Booster Board as well as other committees. If you did not see this email, please let me know and I will be sure to get it to you. Here’s a quick recap, and if you have any questions about any of these positions, please don’t hesitate to contact ANY of us to get a better idea about what is involved.
Positions coming open soon are:
1. President – Currently held by Stacey Welton -
2. Vice President – Currently held by Kelly DiRoma -
3. Corresponding Secretary – Currently held by Kim Bernstein -
4. Special Events Officer – Currently held by Barb Farmer –
5. Fundraising Officer – Currently an open position.
6. Parliamentarian – Currently held by Margret Skaftadottir -
Other committee chairs: Concessions Stand, Forms, Meal Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator Assistant, and additional volunteers to help with Uniforms.